Any News would contain 5 W`s & 1 H

    1. Who the event happened to, or who acted on whom

    2.  What happened or will happen

    3. Where the action occurred

    4. When it happened

    5. Why the action took place ; the reasons behind it

    6. How it happened










                    An Editor is the number one any News Paper. He is policy maker of his News paper, the controller of News paper, he controls the contents  also. He is the head of  the Editorial Board. A good editor, of course would know how to get the best out of his colleagues and put his own stamp on the paper.


                A good News Editor is who makes a good News Paper. He is the in charge of the news production of the paper. He is the person who will decide what news to appear where & what news to be published. Chief Reporter is primarily responsible to News Editor. News Editor in consultation with the Chief Reporter will decide what events should be covered and what detail and how the news has to be covered. He is the main link between the Editor & the News staff & sub Editorial staff. He has the authority to stop any news from getting printed in the paper. He must scan all incoming news, issue directions for appropriate editing and display of the same and maintain close check on the river of "Copy" that comes to his desk. He is the person who with the consultation with Chief Sub Editor decides the Dummy Of Page1.


                   Chief Sub Editor is in charge of the operations. It is his responsibility to ensure the smooth flow of copy, that the headings given are appropriate, accurate and not libelous.


                   Sub Editors working under the Chief Sub Editor are the foot soldiers. Nobody can ignore them. Sub Editors are neither seen nor heard by the reader. A Sub Editors job is to "prepare" or Sub "copy" to make it suitable for publishing. He is the creative artist. Subbing requires a special talent. A Reporter can be excused for making a mistake but the sub Editor should correct the mistake. He is the first person to read the copy given to him. He should posses the following qualities.      
1.He should be well-read
2.He should have a sound current-affairs background.
3.He should be able to follow mass interests
4.He must have an Analytical Mind
5.He must be able to visualize the impact of the story on the reader
6.He should have a good knowledge on the mechanical process of the News paper
7.He must know how to cut short the story, how to make it presentable and readable
8.He must have an eye for accuracy
9.He must be a team worker
10.He must have power of quick and accurate work
11.He should have a good grasp of law-especially laws pertaining to libel
12.He must check the accuracy, fair, complete, clear and has news value in the copy that being given to him by the Chief Sub Editor.


                   A Correspondent should have the following qualities
1.Vast and Varied contacts with official sources
2.Ability to keep confidence
3.Ability to avoid hearing things that bind one to secrecy
4.A bent for research upon previous training in social sciences & humanities
5.A bit of brass, (the knack of bluffing one's way through forbidden areas
6.The art of conversation which primarily consists of encouraging others to talk
7.The ability to get along with people in difficult situations
8.Physical stamina & moral courage
9.Ability to freshly impressed by action, color, life
10.Imagination,and simple sparkling style


                   Stringers are the Representatives of many news papers in an area. They provide local news to all News Papers. They are paid according to news that they give & stories News value.